
Justin would much rather be outside on his bike bringing swarms of volunteers to his garden. than inside writing grants. We understand.

Justin and the team at Fleet Farming thought about it: If your cause is to create a more sustainable food system, doesn’t it make sense to fund it by growing food? Turning good intentions into revenue streams is what differentiates Fleet Farming from other food-related non-profits, and that is what led them to SPIN-Farming.Now they are out generating buzz by building pedal-powered, urban farms to reactivate and re-engage communities across the US and create a bio-diverse environment through emissions-free, organic farming.

But what about paying those bills? Justin’s already servicing 6 restaurant clients, so he’s not letting any grass grow under his feet. And now he’s growing his way to $25k on 5,000 sq. ft. next year. If you would like to support your non-profit garden project by growing and selling more vegetables,  and writing less grants, use the Seed to Cash program Justin used. As an added bonus you’ll get connected to thousands of other accomplished growers who are using the Backyard Riches learning programs to turn their gardens into encore careers and significant income.

If you’re not ready to go all-in just yet, get a taste of what starting a backyard-scale farming business is like from our members with a month-to-month membership here.

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