Chris Kimber’s 3 Crows Farm ticks a lot of the boxes we’ve heard about before: urban, pedal-powered, multi-locational. He’s used them to build a $60k business on 15,000 sq. ft, and his goal this year is $75k. In this session you’ll learn how he’s increased production capacity, refined his crop repertoire, combined operations with another farmer, increased efficiencies and expanded his markets – all while being a stay-at-home dad. Standing orders (they make up 30% of his business in summer and 90% in winter), buggy produce (he doesn’t wash his greens), minimizing choice at market, hanging tough on premium pricing, and his  SPIN plan by the numbers for the past 7 years. Just goes to show what you can accomplish when you stick with it. If you would like to attend future meetups, you can become a member here.

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