What happens when the grant money runs out?  That’s the question Beth Hagenbuch is owning up to at Penrose Market Garden in the heart of Detroit.

SF photo Penrose Beth and kid selling

Her model urban farm has earned lots of accolades from the design and non-profit sectors. But they don’t pay the bills. How can an urban farm claim to be a model of sustainability if it can’t support itself? SPIN-Farming comes to the rescue. Find out how Beth is applying the growing and business practices of this easy-to-learn farming system to produce all the good stuff urban farms are known for – good food, community, well-being – and profits.

Grow with Beth and all the other backyard farming pro’s at Backyard Riches the go-to place for people just like you who used its learning programs to start thriving businesses in their own backyards and formed a community to help others follow them down the path to growing their bank accounts. If you’re not ready to go all-in just yet, get a taste of what starting a backyard-scale farming business is like from our members with a month-to-month membership here.

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